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Fourth Class Name |
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Pin showing that student has finished the Class |
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Ranger Ribbon – For the Advanced Class |
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Ranger Chevron – To be placed on the Left Sleeve |
- Be a teenager 13 years of age, and/or in Grade 8 or its equivalent.
- Memorize and understand the Adventist Youth Aim and Motto.
- Be an active member of the Pathfinder Club.
- Select and read three books of your choice from the teen Book Club List.
Spiritual Discovery
Discover in group discussion:
- What Christianity is.
- What are the marks of a true disciple?
- The forces involved in becoming a Christian.
- Participate in a Bible marking program on the inspiration of the Bible.
- Enroll at least three people in a Bible Correspondence Course.
- Have a current Memory Gem Certificate.
- Complete the Christian Citizenship Honor if not previously done.
Community Outreach
- Under the direction of your leader, participate at least once, in two different types of outreach programs.
- With the help of a friend, spend a full day (at least 8 hours) working on a project for your church, school, or community.
- Conduct two Bible studies with non-Seventh-day Adventists.
Friendship Development
In group discussion and by personal inquiry examine your attitudes to two of the following topics:
- Self-Confidence. c. The Social Graces.
- Friendship. d. Will Power.
- Role play the story of the Good Samaritan, and think of ways to serve 3 neighbors, and then do so.
Health and Fitness
Participate in one of the following:
- Discuss the principles of physical fitness. Provide an outline of your daily exercise program. Write out and sign a personal pledge of commitment to a regular exercise program.
- Discuss the natural advantages of living the Adventist Christian lifestyle in accordance with Biblical principles.
Participate in one of the following activities:
- Hike 15km and keep a log. d. Cycle 80 km.
- Ride a horse 15 km. e. Swim 1 km.
- Go on a one day canoe trip.
- Discuss the concept, types and purpose of dating.
Organization and Leadership Development
- Attend at least one church business meeting. Prepare a brief report for discussion in your group.
- With your group make plans for a social activity at least once a quarter.
- Complete requirements 3 and 6 of the Drilling and Marching Honor if not previously done.
Nature Study
- Review the story of the flood and study at least 3 different fossils; explain their origin and relate them to breaking God’s Law.
- Complete a Nature Honor not previously earned.
- Be able to identify through photographs, sketches, pictures or real life, one of the following categories: 25 tree leaves; 25 rocks and minerals; 25 wild flowers; 25 butterflies and moths; 25 shells.
Outdoor Living
- Build and demonstrate the use of a reflector oven by cooking something.
- Participate in a two night camp out. Be able to pack a pack or ruck sack, include personal gear and food sufficient for your participation in a two night camp out.
- Pass a test in Ranger First Aid.
- Complete the Orienteering Honor.
- Be able to light a fire on a rainy day or in the snow. Know where to get the dry material to keep it going. Demonstrate ability to properly tighten and replace an axe handle.
- Complete one of the following requirements:
Lifestyle Enrichment
- Complete one Honor in Outreach Ministry, Vocational, or Outdoor Industries not previously earned.
- Complete one Honor in Recreation or Arts and Crafts not previously earned.